International Journals

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No. Journal Information DOWNLOAD
103 J. W. Yoon, H. Y. Kim, H. Lee, S. Ahn, and N. S. Kim, "Oracle Teacher: Leveraging Target Information for Better Knowledge Distillation of CTC Models," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 31, pp. 2974-2987, 2023.  DOWNLOAD
102 B. J. Choi, M. Jeong, J. Y. Lee, and N. S. Kim, "SNAC: Speaker-Normalized Affine Coupling Layer in Flow-Based Architecture for Zero-Shot Multi-Speaker Text-to-Speech," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 29, pp 2502-2506, 2022 DOWNLOAD
D. Shin*, K. Kim*, S.-B. Lee, C. Lee, Y. S. Bae, W. I. Cho, M. J. Kim, H. K. C. Park, E. K. Chie, N. S. Kim,  and Y. M. Ahn, "Detection of depression and suicide risk based on text from clinical interviews using machine learning: Possibility of a new objective diagnostic marker," Frontiers Psychiatry, vol. 13, 2022.
W. I. Cho and N. S. Kim, "Text implicates prosodic ambiguity: A corpus for intention identification of the Korean spoken language," ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 2022. 
99 H. Y. Kim, J. W. Yoon, W. I. Cho, and N. S. Kim, "Neurally Optimized Decoder for Low Bitrate Speech Codec," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 29, pp 244-248, 2022 DOWNLOAD
98 S. J. Cheon, B. J. Choi, M. Kim, H. Lee, and N. S. Kim, "A Controllable Multi-Lingual Multi-Speaker Multi-Style Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Multivariate Information Minimization," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 29, pp 55-59, 2022 DOWNLOAD
97 S. H. Mun, M. H. Han, D. Lee, J. Kim and N. S. Kim, "Bootstrap Equilibrium and Probabilistic Speaker Representation Learning for Self-Supervised Speaker Verification," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 167615-167627, 2021. DOWNLOAD
96 D. Shin, W. I. Cho, C. H. K. Park, S. J. Rhee, M. J. Kim, H. Lee, N. S. Kim, and Y. M. Ahn, "Detection of minor and major depression through voice as a biomarker using machine learning," Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 10, no. 14, 3046, 2021. DOWNLOAD
95 Hwancheol Jeong, Chulwoo Jung, Seungyeob Jwa, Jangho Kim, Jeehun Kim, Nam Soo Kim, Sunghee Kim, Sunkyu Lee, Weonjong Lee, Youngjo Lee, and Jeonghwan Pak, "Chiral symmetry and taste symmetry from the eigenvalue spectrum of staggered Dirac operators", Physical Review D, 2021.  DOWNLOAD
94 J. W. Yoon, H. Lee, H. Y. Kim, W. I. Cho, and N. S. Kim, "TutorNet: towards flexible knowledge distillation for end-to-end speech recognition,"  IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 29, pp. 1626-1638, 2021.  DOWNLOAD
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