International Journals

Cons-KD: Dropout-Robust Knowledge Distillation for CTC-Based Automatic Speech Recognition

J. W. Yoon, H. Lee, J. Y. Kang, and N. S. Kim

IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 131136-131146


Efficient Parallel Audio Generation Using Group Masked Language Modeling

M. Jeong, M. Kim, J. Y. Lee, and N. S. Kim

IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 31, pp 979-983


Variable-Length Speaker Conditioning in Flow-Based Text-to-Speech

B. J. Choi, M. Jeong, M. Kim, and N. S. Kim

IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 31, pp 899-903


Transfer Learning for Low-Resource, Multi-Lingual, and Zero-Shot Multi-Speaker Text-to-Speech

M. Jeong, M. Kim, B. J. Choi, J. Yoon, W. Jang, and N. S. Kim

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 32, pp. 1519-1530


Oracle Teacher: Leveraging Target Information for Better Knowledge Distillation of CTC Models

J. W. Yoon, H. Y. Kim, H. Lee, S. Ahn, and N. S. Kim

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 31, pp. 2974-2987


SNAC: Speaker-Normalized Affine Coupling Layer in Flow-Based Architecture for Zero-Shot Multi-Speaker Text-to-Speech

B. J. Choi, M. Jeong, J. Y. Lee, and N. S. Kim

IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 29, pp 2502-2506


Detection of depression and suicide risk based on text from clinical interviews using machine learning: Possibility of a new objective diagnostic marker

D. Shin*, K. Kim*, S.-B. Lee, C. Lee, Y. S. Bae, W. I. Cho, M. J. Kim, H. K. C. Park, E. K. Chie, N. S. Kim, and Y. M. Ahn

Frontiers Psychiatry, vol. 13


Text implicates prosodic ambiguity: A corpus for intention identification of the Korean spoken language

W. I. Cho and N. S. Kim

ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing


Neurally Optimized Decoder for Low Bitrate Speech Codec

H. Y. Kim, J. W. Yoon, W. I. Cho, and N. S. Kim

IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 29, pp 244-248


A Controllable Multi-Lingual Multi-Speaker Multi-Style Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Multivariate Information Minimization

S. J. Cheon, B. J. Choi, M. Kim, H. Lee, and N. S. Kim

IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 29, pp 55-59